Effective Kotlin — Early Access Program
Update: We’ve already closed the list with over 400 submissions! Thank you a lot for your enthusiasm. Now we are already during EAP process.
Effective Kotlin book is closer and closer to be finished with every week. Today, I would like to invite you to participate in the book creation. I am happy to announce that we start EAP (Early Access Program) and you can participate in it.

How does it work?
To participate in the program, you need to fill out the form that is at the end of this article. Among sent proposals, We will choose a set of reviewers. If you are chosen, we will send you chapters from Effective Kotlin book, one after another, in following weekends. For each chapter, we will ask for your comments. Not only corrections but also feelings, what you like, what is confusing, what sounds strange but you don’t know why… everything! The more comment you give us the better.
What will you get?
We offer some benefits to everyone who participates in the program:
- You will have an early access to the book for free.
- Every active reviewer will be thanked in the book by name and surname.
- I will also place bios of the 3 most active reviewers in the book.
- Every active reviewer will receive a signed copy of the book with personal acknowledgement.
- You will have the influence on the book.
Details will be sent with our answer to your proposal.
Feel convinced? Fill out the below form!
If you want to be notified when the book is published sign up here!