Hey Kotliners!

Marcin Moskala
Kt. Academy
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2023


We hope you feel like reading these days!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve opened our own online Kt. Academy store where you can buy Kotlin ebooks at super-discounted prices and a ticket for the open Kotlin workshops!

If you have a hard copy of any of my Kotlin books you are entitled to take part in our new promotion: Claim your ebook for free!

That’s not all. Due to the high demand for books, we’d like to meet you halfway. Therefore if you would like a bigger pack of them let us know — we are ready to supply big conferences, universities and companies with these books.

Kt. Academy Store

Lately, we have been busy looking for ways to meet your expectations but we are always Kt. Academy whose priority is to share knowledge through valuable articles that help you grow up as a developer. You can count on us in that matter! See below what we selected for you. 👇

Kotlin Reflection: Class references

In this article, you will find a deep dive into the class references, the nuances of KClass instances, class characteristics, and the implementation of practical toJson function for serialization.

Kotlin Reflection: Type references

Here you’ll see a practical example of how type references can be used to generate a random value for a specified type and learn to transform Kotlin Reflection API elements to Java Reflection API elements.

Effective Kotlin Item 48: Consider using object declarations

Why we should use object declarations instead of regular classes? To get to know it have a look at this article.

Data classes in Kotlin

What are Data classes in Kotlin and how do we use them? Everything is explained here.

Kt. Academy Blog

Understanding @Stable, @Immutable, ImmutableCollection, and PersistentCollection in Jetpack Compose

This article by Sherry Yuan, explores what @Stable, @Immutable, ImmutableCollection, and PersistentCollection mean, and how they affect Jetpack Compose recomposition.

Go to the article

Apply Ktlint To Your Android Project

Enhance the code quality and consistency of your Android project using a tool called Ktlint.

Go to the article

Ready for a challenge? 🏋️‍♂️

Try a refactor collection processing exercise here.

It turns messy code into a smooth flow.

Kotlin workshops 🧑‍💻

A quick reminder of the registration for the currently open workshops with Marcin Moskala.


Dates: 22–24th of November 2023

Times: 9:00–17:00 UTC+1

Fee: 400 euros

Registration: Here


Dates: 25–26th of January 2024

Times: 9:00–17:00 UTC+1

Fee: 300 euros

Registration: Here

That would be all for this newsletter.

See you next time!

Marcin M.



Kt. Academy creator, co-author of Android Development with Kotlin, author of open-source libraries, community activist. http://marcinmoskala.com/