Kotlin articles & More news from Kt. Academy 💪

Joanna Wyka
Kt. Academy
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2021


Hey Everyone! 👋

How’s the summer going? Hopefully, you are not struggling too much from the heat! 🥵 To make your summertime more pleasant, we are sending a new batch of great content!

Remember, that you can always share your thoughts and suggestions with us by replying to this email 📩

Now, here’s a quick shortcut of today’s content 👇

👉 Consider defining a DSL for complex object creation
👉 Why using Kotlin Coroutines?
👉 Traits for testing in Kotlin
👉 Sequence builders in Kotlin Coroutines

New workshops are now available!
A few more changes to the Kt. Academy website.
News for our Polish audience! 🇵🇱

Enjoy! ⏬

What are Kotlin DSLs, how do they work and how can we implement this pattern ourselves? 🤔

Consider defining a DSL for complex object creation by Marcin Moskala 👇

Effective Kotlin Item 35: Consider defining a DSL for complex object creation
🔻 This is a chapter from the Effective Kotlin book. You can find it on LeanPub or Amazon.

Marcin Moskala explains why coroutines stand out and offer us what hasn’t been offered by other technologies.

Why using Kotlin Coroutines? 👇

Why using Kotlin Coroutines?
🔻 This is a chapter from the Kotlin Coroutines book. You can find Early Access on LeanPub.

Using traits for testing is a fairly popular pattern in Kotlin 👀

To learn how it works read the article Traits for testing in Kotlin written by Marcin Moskała 👇

Traits for testing in Kotlin

How sequences can be created using Kotlin Coroutines?

Sequence builders in Kotlin Coroutines by Marcin Moskala 👇

Sequence builders in Kotlin Coroutines
🔻 This is a chapter from the Kotlin Coroutines book. You can find Early Access on LeanPub.

We have 3 new workshops in our offer, all conducted by a great trainer, Mesut Durukal 🔥

Machine Learning Adaptation in Software Testing
Test Automation (API and UI)
Software Testing aligned with ISTQB

Find more details and register on our website 👇
Kt. Academy — workshops

2 changes to our website 🎉

1️⃣ Comments in articles 💬

You can now add a comment and see other’s comments at the end of each article 👉 It means easier communication and more interaction!

2️⃣ RSS feed ⚛️

For those who use RSS, we finally started supporting it on Kt. Academy 🎉
👉 https://kt.academy/rss.xml
👉 https://kt.academy/atom.xml
👉 https://kt.academy/rss-pl.xml
👉 https://kt.academy/atom-pl.xml

To our Polish audience 🇵🇱

Ruszyliśmy z akcją “Podaj dalej” książki “JavaScript od podstaw”, autorstwa Marcina Moskały.

Chcemy przez nią popularyzować umiejętności programistyczne.
W ramach akcji rozdamy 1000 książek typu “Podaj dalej”, by wędrowały z rąk do rąk i pomagały kolejnym osobom 📚

W akcję zaangażowali się już m.in. Allegro, ZnanyLekarz, Magazyn Programista, a także wielu programistów i influencerów 🤩

Jeżeli chcecie dowiedzieć się więcej na temat akcji, zostać naszymi ambasadorami lub wesprzeć akcję w jakikolwiek inny sposób, zajrzyjcie na stronę Podaj Dalej 👇
oraz śledźcie nas na Twitterze 👇
Kt. Academy PL

Niech wiedza się niesie! 💪


That’s all for today!

Thanks and see you soon!

Kt. Academy Team

www: kt.academy
Blog: blog.kotlin-academy.com
Twitter EN: @KtDotAcademy
Twitter PL: @ktdotacademyPL
FB: @KtDotAcademy
LinkedIn: @Kt. Academy

